Ockam Node

Create an ockam node using Cloudformation template

This guide contains instructions to launch within AWS environment, an

  • Ockam Outlet Node

  • Ockam Inlet Node

The walkthrough demonstrates running both outlet and inlet nodes and verify communication between them.

Read: “How does Ockam work?” to learn about end-to-end trust establishment.

Create an Orchestrator Project

Sign up for Ockam and pick a subscription plan through the guided workflow on Ockam.io.

Run the following commands to install Ockam Command and enroll with the Ockam Orchestrator.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL https://install.command.ockam.io | bash
source "$HOME/.ockam/env"

ockam enroll

Completing this step creates a Project in Ockam Orchestrator.

Control which identities are allowed to enroll themselves into your project by issuing unique one-time use enrollment tickets. Generate two enrollment tickets, one for the Outlet and one for the Inlet.

Generate enrollment tickets

# Enrollment ticket for Ockam Outlet Node
ockam project ticket --expires-in 10h --usage-count 1 \
  --attribute example-outlet \
  --relay outlet \
    > "outlet.ticket"

# Enrollment ticket for Ockam Inlet Node
ockam project ticket --expires-in 10h --usage-count 1 \
  --attribute example-inlet \
    > "inlet.ticket"

Setup Ockam Outlet Node

  • Login to AWS Account you would like to use

  • Subscribe to "Ockam - Node" in AWS Marketplace

  • Navigate to AWS Marketplace -> Manage subscriptions. Select Ockam - Node from the list of subscriptions. Select Actions-> Launch Cloudformation stack

  • Select the Region you want to deploy and click Continue to Launch. Under Actions, select Launch Cloudformation

  • Create stack with below details

    • Stack name: example-outlet or any name you prefer

    • Network Configuration

      • Select suitable values for VPC ID and Subnet ID

        • Default instance type is m6a.8xlarge because of the predictable network bandwidth of 12.5 Gbps. Adjust instance type if you need to

    • Ockam Configuration

      • Enrollment ticket: Copy and paste the content of the outlet.ticket generated above

      • JSON Node Configuration: Copy and paste the below configuration.

    "name": "outlet_node",
    "http-server-port": 23345,
    "relay": "outlet",
    "tcp-outlet": {
        "to": "localhost:7777",
        "allow": "example-inlet"
  • Click Next to launch the CloudFormation run.

  • A successful CloudFormation stack run configures the Ockam outlet node on an EC2 machine.

  • EC2 machine mounts an EFS volume created in the same subnet. Ockam state is stored in the EFS volume.

  • Connect to the EC2 machine via AWS Session Manager. To view the log file, run sudo cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.

  • View the Ockam node status in CloudWatch.

    • Navigate to Cloudwatch -> Log Group and select example-outet-ockam-status-logs. Select the Logstream for the EC2 instance.

    • Cloudformation template creates a subscription filter that sends data to a Cloudwatch alarm example-outlet-OckamNodeDownAlarm.Alarm will turn green upon ockam node successfully running.

  • An Autoscaling group ensures atleast one EC2 instance is running at all times.

Set up a webhook on the ec2 machine to validate connectivity

  • Run python3 /opt/webhook_receiver.py to start the webhook that will listen on port 7777. We will send traffic to this webhook after inlet is setup, so keep the terminal window open.

Setup Ockam Inlet Node

  • Login to AWS Account you would like to use

  • Subscribe to "Ockam - Node" in AWS Marketplace

  • Navigate to AWS Marketplace -> Manage subscriptions. Select Ockam - Node from the list of subscriptions. Select Actions-> Launch Cloudformation stack

  • Select the Region you want to deploy and click Continue to Launch. Under Actions, select Launch Cloudformation

  • Create stack with below details

    • Stack name: example-inlet or any name you prefer

    • Network Configuration

      • Select suitable values for VPC ID and Subnet ID

        • Default instance type is m6a.8xlarge because of the predictable network bandwidth of 12.5 Gbps. Adjust instance type if you need to

    • Ockam Configuration

      • Enrollment ticket: Copy and paste the content of the outlet.ticket generated above

      • JSON Node Configuration: Copy and paste the below configuration.

    "name": "inlet_node",
    "http-server-port": 23345,
    "tcp-inlet": {
      "from": "",
      "via": "outlet",
      "allow": "example-outlet"
  • Click Next to launch the CloudFormation run.

  • A successful CloudFormation stack run configures the Ockam outlet node on an EC2 machine.

  • EC2 machine mounts an EFS volume created in the same subnet. Ockam state is stored in the EFS volume.

  • Connect to the EC2 machine via AWS Session Manager. To view the log file, run sudo cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.

  • View the Ockam node status in CloudWatch.

    • Navigate to Cloudwatch -> Log Group and select example-inlet-ockam-status-logs. Select the Logstream for the EC2 instance.

    • Cloudformation template creates a subscription filter that sends data to a Cloudwatch alarm example-inlet-OckamNodeDownAlarm.Alarm will turn green upon ockam node successfully running.

  • An Autoscaling group ensures atleast one EC2 instance is running at all times.

Validate Connectivity

  • Connect to the EC2 machine via AWS Session Manager.

  • Run the command below to post a request to the Inlet address. You must receive a response. Verify that the request reaches the webhook running on the Outlet machine.

curl -X POST http://localhost:17777/webhook -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"from\": \"$(hostname)\"}"

A Successful setup receives a response back

# Inlet EC2
sh-5.2$ curl -X POST http://localhost:17777/webhook -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"from\": \"$(hostname)\"}"
Webhook received

You will also see the request received in the Outlet EC2 machine

# Outlet EC2
sh-5.2$ python3 /opt/webhook_receiver.py
2024-07-24 19:56:32,984 - __main__ - INFO - Webhook server running on port 7777... - - [24/Jul/2024 19:56:36] "POST /webhook HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-07-24 19:58:01,341 - __main__ - INFO - Received webhook: {"from": "REDACTED.REDACTED.compute.internal"}

You have now successfully created an Ockam Portal and verified secure communication 🎉.


  • Delete the example-outletCloudFormation stack from the AWS Account.

  • Delete the example-inlet CloudFormation stack from the AWS Account.

  • Delete ockam configuration files from the machine that the administrator used to generate enrollment tickets.

ockam reset

Last updated